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Rambling on social norms

Writer: Solus LuSolus Lu

Certain social norms stem from a long historical path of how our society has evolved. But History my friends, is fact, not truth. It is the path once taken, the one way trek we have emerged from. Neither should we let it limit our choices of future possibilities, nor should we use it as basis to restrict the paths of others. Yes, one could argue that our current existence is proof that the way things happened before has it’s degree of correctness, otherwise why would we have survived as we have. But what once was, is not sufficient to determine what will or can be, for the shoulders upon which we now stand have grown higher than before, thus our view and perception are also more elevated than before, which logically and inevitably will lead to different conclusions of how we should proceed. 


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吾乃鹿戈 此為我窟

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